In his papal encyclical Mulieris Dignitatem, St. John Paul II affirmed that God granted women a unique dignity, with its foundation in the very essence of their femininity, and that women properly aware of this are cloaked in a moral strength making them "... an irreplaceable support and source of spiritual strength for other people, who perceive the great energies of her spirit. These 'perfect women' are owed much by their families, and sometimes by whole nations."
We believe that the Catholic Church's life-giving teaching on women will be one of our most powerful weapons to combat our current culture, where the forces of death threaten the sacred bond between a mother and child, and women are told repeatedly that their God-given femininity is something to be repressed or controlled in the name of equality.
Gratia Plena strives to arm young women with the beautiful truths of the Catholic faith so that they will be prepared to combat the disordered forces of toxic feminism and to repair the cultural wreckage wrought by the sexual revolution.
"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."
- St. Catherine of Siena

Gratia Plena Camp
Gratia Plena hosts a camp every summer for young women, grades 9-12.
Attendees will learn from an array of speakers about their role in the world as young Catholic women.
The camp occurs against a backdrop of the holy sacraments, with Mass celebrated daily and Confession and Eucharistic Adoration available every evening.

Gratia Plena Soirées
Throughout the year, Gratia Plena hosts events to build fellowship among young women and educate them on the Catholic vision of womanhood (moms are invited too!)
"My value and dignity is given by God. He has a given us a purpose from our beginning until our end. As John Paul the Great said, I am a ‘sentinel of the Invisible.’ That is an honor.”
- Pamela M., 2021 Gratia Plena camp attendee.

As a young girl, Kelly was distraught that there was no "St. Kelly" for her to celebrate. Fortunately, her father told her that since her middle name is Marie, she could pick a Marian feast day as her name day. Kelly chose Our Lady of Guadalupe to be her patroness, and since that day has carried a special love of Mary.
While studying at Georgetown University, Kelly watched many of her peers suffer from the distorted views of the modern feminist movement and knew that her mission must be to bring other young women to live under the protection of our Blessed Mother.
Gratia Plena Institute is the fruit of this desire.
Kelly is tremendously blessed to be married to a wonderful man who always ensures her car's oil is changed and that she regularly gets to Confession. They live with their two sons and daughter in Virginia.
Kelly's writing has been published in The National Catholic Register, The American Conservative, The Federalist, The Washington Examiner, and The Catholic Exchange.